영어교사 [684650] · MS 2016 (수정됨) · 쪽지

2019-11-08 19:22:31
조회수 1,781

2020년도 수능영어 32번 예상문제

게시글 주소: https://io.orbi.kr/00025265268

32. 다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것을 고르시오.

Just as conditioning processes sometimes make foods aversive, such processes can also make foods more appetitive. For example, a powerful way to increase our preference for a disliked food is to mix it with some food item or sweetener that we strongly prefer. This may be how some people grow to like black coffee: They first drink it with cream and sugar and then gradually eliminate the extra ingredients as the taste of the coffee itself becomes pleasurable. Similarly, in one study, college students developed increased preference for broccoli or cauliflower after eating it a few times with sugar. Unfortunately, few parents use such a method to improve their children’s eating habits, possibly because they perceive sugar to be unhealthy and do not realize that the sugar ____________________. Instead, parents often try to entice their children to eat a disliked food by offering dessert as a reward — a strategy that easily backfires in that the contrast between the disliked food and the subsequent dessert might result in the former becoming even more disliked. ✽aversive 싫어하는

①can later be withdrawn. 

②can lead their children to obesity

③can make disliked food taste better  

④would reinforce existing food preference

⑤is necessary ingredient for physical development  

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