(최)상위권을 위한 EBS 인터넷수능2 영어영역
게시글 주소: https://io.orbi.kr/0006202615
EBS 영어지문..
단순하게 틱 문제풀고 확인하고 한번더 정리하고..
과연 잘했나... 이정도면 된건가..
보다 상위권들을 위한 고민을 같이 하다가
문제를 만들어 봅니다. 강좌도 구상해봅니다
재수반, 고3 반 상위권 학생들에게 테스트 결과
아주 반응도 좋고, 피드백도 좋네요 .
1등급학생들이 대략 10지문중 8개정도 맞추는것 같습니다.
접근방식은 다음과 같습니다.
" 각 지문(문항)별 어법과 어휘가 1개씩 변형되어있습니다. 지문을 제대로 공부했으면, 충분히 접근가능합니다. 어휘는 지문에서 중요도있는 위치의 어휘를 선정하였고, 어법은 골고루 연습되도록 다양한 부분에서 문제화 시켜보았습니다"
1강 입니다.
1강 1번
Laing noted the very ‘restricted sense which rock-’n’-roll as music can be described as new or revolutionary’ and gave examples of how ‘many singers in the mid-fifties were able to ride high on the rock wave with only maximal changes in their customary style’.
1강 2번
When people were shocked, no one was more surprised than Khrushchev himself. He had just been trying to look like one of the guys. That became the very image of the irrational Russian was apparently the result of a simple cross-cultural understanding.
1강 3번
But the film image, no matter how well composed and pleasing to the eye, is not meant to be an isolated thing or self-sufficient as is a painting or photograph. Its sole justification is its interruption to other images that precede and follow it. As such, it only comes into full meaning when joining with others in a continuity of time.
1강 4번
Although globalization processes are often blamed for language loss, in some cases communities and language activists, include linguistic anthropologists, are using web-based technology to save endangered languages. (중략) Other communities with endangered languages are also embracing social media - YouTube, text messaging, and websites - as a vehicle for changing their languages.
1강 5번
In real life one’s perceptual mechanism takes all sorts of liberties with colors. Often it tones down them: one doesn’t normally much overpass colors unless they are unfamiliar or unexpected. Even colors that must be noticed ─ functional colors like traffic lights ─ are seen in a generalized way:
1강 6번
Toys that limit those possibilities get boring fast. Children are most bored by situations in which they can express themselves and discover something about the world. That is because pots and pans and everyday things in drawers can engross a child for hours as they come up with new uses for mundane objects - the function of which they may not even know.
1강 7번
People are frequently unable to define their own goals and rules of operation - they can conscientiously follow what they are told to do, but are wary of improvisation or changing strategies when they reach an impasse. In many endeavors such quickness of initiative can only lead to disaster.
1강 8번
Daniel Miller cautions against anthropologists become too involved in analyzing consumable products. Rather, Miller disagree that anthropologists remain true to their anthropological goals - in this case, attempting to understand consumer behavior. To this end, Miller examined the meaning of the shopping experience and how this experience informs us about social relationships and consumer culture in North London.
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오오타니선생님의 만다라트 계획표에서 영감을 얻어서 요즘 많이 베푸는중
오오! 좋아요ㅎㅎ 감사합니다
한번 시도해보세요. 상당한 내공을 지니게 될겁니다.
저녁먹고 풀어볼게요~
1강 문제출제하는데 총 4시간이 걸렸네요 ^^ 꼭 자신의 것으로 만드시길 ~
..? 어떻게 푸는 거에요? 지문 뿐이 안보이는데
원래지문과 다른부분찾기
설명 감사 ^^
지문별 문법 및 어휘 변형 해놓았습니다. 찾아보세요
이거 자료로 계속올려주실건가요?? ㅠㅠㅠ 감사해요
문제 만드는데 엄청 오래걸리네요 ^^
강의로도 제작 준비중입니당
답어디있어요?!! 다풀었늠데 ㅠㅠ
답은 내일정도에 공개해볼게요 ^^ 정 궁금하면 ebs 교재 참고~
헐 저게 다머임??? 저런 문제가 수능문제에나옴?ㅠㅠ
인수2 를 완벽하게 숙지했는지를 염두에 두고 만든 문제입니다 !
문법은 요즘 트렌드에 맞고 단어는 주제만 제대로 파악하면 바로 나오게 만드셨네요 감사합니다.
네 맞습니다 !! 심혈을 기울여 만들었어요 ~
상당한 내공이 느껴지네요 ㄷ ㄷ ㄷ
계속 내볼께요 ^^
which maximal
that understanding
interruption joining
include changing
overpass that?
bored because
are wary of quickness
become disagree
어렵다 ㅠ ㅠ
엄청난 내공이네요 ^^
꼭한번 본문확인이요 ^^