씨티뱅크 [336667] · 쪽지

2014-09-22 01:27:51
조회수 2,749

2014 수능영어 b형 빈칸의 최고난도 문제였던 35번 문제에 사용된것과 동일한 해외원전의 다른부분을 발췌해서 고난도 빈칸을 만들었습니다 풀어주세요^^(문제만 보시지 말고 댓글도 하나 달아…

게시글 주소: https://io.orbi.kr/0004891499

     Q:다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 알맞은 것을 고르시오

       Science is considerably dependent on non-science. It needs “communication skills,” or to use an older, better expression, rhetoric — a faculty it does not have and cannot get from itself. There could be no science of rhetoric in the modern sense without knowledge of the resistance to science in human nature, that push-back from feisty humanity that science, we have seen, cannot explain or cope with on its own. It appears that the universe is divided into matter that does not resist and matter that does, and some of the notable scientific theory that (                                ). This common-sense observation about matter is enough to start one’s thinking in the direction of the soul. The dependence of science on rhetoric exposes its need, and ours, for literature and social science. Literature and social science should not be afraid of science but also should not be quite so much in awe of it. They should reject the notion that all true knowledge is scientific and should recognize their own claim to knowledge of human things. They should question the unofficial sovereignty of science in the university and practice some of the confidence scientists now have too much of. They should look to the development of non-science as positively contributing to knowledge of the whole, each in its own way.

1) explains the first by deterministic laws does not fully or adequately explain the second

2) is one with prominent rudiments that is even unchallenged and verified through the rhetoric

3) has been confirmed by the Literature and Social science is only one that is really acceptable

4) has fatal flaws on their main thesis is sometimes unfiltered despite through the non-science

5) is ceaselessly challenged by the norms of rhetoric without meaning although there is no prominent errors


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