6평 빈칸추론 근거유형별 근거분석
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6월 평가원 빈칸 추론 근거별 유형과 근거 분석
제가 SRSC에서 강의한 방식으로 근거별 유형과 근거를 분석하였습니다. 참고하세요! (아래에서 원인이란 말은 논리적 근거란 의미로 사용됩니다)
S추론 + 논리추론-결과추론
The sense of sight is so highly developed in humans that messages received from other senses are often ignored if they conflict with what is seen. (G)
Yellow candy is expected to be lemon-flavored, and if it is grape-flavored, many people cannot correctly identify the flavor. (S)
The sense of sight is so highly developed in humans that messages received from other senses are often ignored if they conflict with what is seen. (원인) → Yellow candy is expected to be lemon-flavored, and if it is grape-flavored, many people cannot correctly identify the flavor. (결과)
문맥동의어 + 논리추론-결과추론
In fact, temperatures there actually decreased over the same period.
= The effect is a net cooling across entire regions.
The Rust Belt is notorious for its poor air quality. For decades, coal plants, steel production, and auto emissions have pumped particulates like sulfate into the atmosphere over the eastern U.S. + Instead of trapping warm air in the atmosphere like carbon dioxide, fine particles like sulfate reflect the sun’s light and heat. They may even group with watery cloud droplets, which do the same thing. (원인) → The effect is a net cooling across entire regions. (결과)
leave the outcome unchanged = a factual consequence = the outcome is inevitable
a scientific finding being distorted (G) - Note first that the research was done on college students, not infants, and that the effect was very brief. (S1) In addition, no one’s been able to replicate the research. (S2) The increase in spatial reasoning, it turns out, can be generated by any auditory stimulation (e.g., listening to a short story or other types of music) that keeps people alert while being tested. (S3)
In the old days, leaders were supposed to make sense of chaos, to make certainty out of doubt, and to create positive action plans for the resolution of paradoxes. But chaos is now considered normal, paradoxes cannot be resolved, and certainty is possible only to the level of high probability. Leadership that attempts to deliver in terms of fixing any of these can only fail. (원인) → the extent of our longing for stable, definitive leadership has been exceeded only by the impossibility of finding it (결과)
두 단어 빈칸 = 문맥어휘 문제
문맥상 동의어
they remain within the limits of their habitat’s ability to support them = population numbers may remain steady. = the population will increase until it reaches a particular density, then level off at about the same number
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여름방학에 SRSC 얼른 들어야겟어요!
천천히 음미하면서 들어야 하는 강의랍니다. 깊이 생각하면서 들으셔야 효과가 커질겁니다.
아 그러넫 선생님~이게 실제 시험장에서 읽으면서 5분 내로 분석이 되는거에요~?
쉬운 빈칸 문제는 1분 30초에도 가능하구요, 어려운 것들이 문제이죠... 그래도 분석을 할 수 있습니다. 글로 정리해서 표현하는 것과 머리안에서 저것들이 순간적으로 계산되는 것과는 다른 것입니다. 머리 안에서는 더 빠르게 될 수 있습니다.
선생님 31번에 3번은 왜 안되는 건가요ㅠ